Women's Ruth Guild
Women of the Lutheran Missouri Synod in the United States all come together to support missions throughout the world with the "might of their mites."
The Trinity Lutheran Ladies Group first met in 1938, with a group of ladies who loved our Lord and desired to serve Him with their gifts.
This group later changed their name to Trinity Lutheran Ruth Guild.
We meet the first Thursday of each month at 6:00pm in the church Parlor.
All women are welcome! Did you know that all women regardless of age, are part of Trinity's Ruth Guild? We are a busy guild with many things to choose from. If you love to serve, or just love fellowship, we have many things you can choose from: *Feeding the needy. * Serving our church families. * Gathering supplies. * Fellowship with Others.* Disaster Relief. *Serving our community.
You can be involved as much as you want. For more information contact:
Jocelyn Hybiak, Cindy Nash, Jeanne Klemt, or Cheryl Schiel
Second Saturday of each month - ** Group meets at church at 7:45 am - head to Orphan Grain Train for work day sorting clothes to be shipped all over the world.
Contact Jeanne Klemt or Cheryl Schiel for more information.
Every 4th Tuesday of month the Ruth Guild women help serve meal for Under the Umbrella.
Contact Maxine Dennington for more information and to volunteer to help serve.
LWML Sunday - October 20, 2024 -remember to wear purple to church and bring your mite boxes. Pastor & Staff Appreciation Day celebrated on this day,
please join us at 9:30 in fellowship hall for cake and drinks.
March 7 -9, 2025 Women's Retreat at Camp Maranatha -Early Registration $50 due by Sept 29, 2024. Give your check to Jody Holland. Contact her for more information at 970-580-9124. Watch Bulletin for more information.